Collection: Capricorn


Embark on the enchanting journey of winter with Capricorn, the herald of the season, marked by the Winter Solstice—the briefest day of the year. Guided by the enigmatic Saturn, the Lord of Karma and symbol of Chronos, the Greek god of time, Capricorn embodies a symphony of qualities: renunciation, death, and old age converge with the essence of cold reason, professional ambitions, law, order, and discipline.

Capricorn stones, resonating with authority, power, and success, stand as talismans for those who navigate life under this determined sign. Let the energy of black onyx, labradorite, black obsidian, and amber complement the unwavering resolve of Capricorn natives. For a profound infusion of vitality, lightness, and passion into Capricorn's leadership, turn to the empowering garnet.

As Capricorns ascend to the summit of their dreams and ambitions, a spiritual awakening often beckons. Selenite and fluorite gracefully swing open the doors to the spiritual path, offering enlightenment and guidance. Furthermore, embrace the liberating energy of sodalite to release control mechanisms.

Discover a world of possibilities with our curated collection of malas and bracelets adorned with Capricorn's signature stones. Alternatively, indulge in the luxury of a personalized piece, meticulously crafted with the stones that echo your desires. Elevate your Capricorn experience with these exquisite and symbolic treasures!

Contact me to learn more about customization.



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  • Capricorn

    CAPRICORN Embark on the enchanting journey of winter with Capricorn, the herald... 

  • Aquarius

    AQUARIUS Immerse yourself in the spirit of brotherhood, connection, and community with... 

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